The Network for Our Africa

Unlocking the true financial and technological potential of our continent requires a world-leading network architecture to power it. Blending the benefits of IoT, social media, blockchain and privacy-protecting digital identity, Ayetu is the network to drive the coming decades of Africa's prodigious growth in finance, data, trade, payments, logistics and other digital services.

Join our communities below to become an early adopter.                  The Ayetu Super App is on its way, and we need YOU!

The Network for
Our Africa

Unlocking the true financial and technological potential of our continent requires a world-leading network architecture to power it. Blending the benefits of IoT, social media, blockchain and privacy-protecting digital identity, Ayetu is the network to drive the coming decades of Africa's prodigious growth in finance, data, trade, payments, logistics and other digital services.

Join our communities below to become an early adopter. The Ayetu Super App is on its way, and we need YOU!



Africa's people and nations are at an inflection point where expanding access to the internet, rural electrification, and expanding urban computer infrastructure will bring a new world of global and local access across the continent, and with it expanding digital literacy and the amazing new opportunities it will bring. Ayetu will help drive this future.

By engaging with governments at all levels, Ayetu will bring greater adoption and legal clarity about the ownership of property, data and apps on the network so that Africans can engage with confidence that their property and data are secure and legally compliant.

The Ayetu Foundation is being established in Zug, Switzerland, the leading global domicile for Web3 networks.

Why the Ayetu Network?

For too long, Africa has been held back from fully participating in the benefits of cutting edge computing. The Ayetu Network will change that by opening digital participation to anyone. With blazing fast execution speeds, capacity for billions of accounts and tens of thousands of transactions per second.

Our contributions to access, ease of use and digital literacy will help build a new generation of African tech entrepreneurs.

Digital Opportunity

Expanding Business

Ayetu is designing a suite of tools unlike anything seen before on a financial network: ease of use, security, power, and low costs combine with innovative features like social sign-in, mobile super apps, integrated social media and in-built tools like point-of-sale systems, multi-signature accounts, perfect record-keeping, proof-of-ownership, digital-timestamp and notarization, and no-code smart contract deployment and configuration at very low operating costs.

The Ayetu Network is a L1 blockchain of remarkable speed and capacity, focused on value security and transfer, and data recording at the individual, business and government levels across Africa.

The Ayetu Network will provide an end-to-end environment for Developers to deploy turnkey applications

A secure, permissioned distributed ledger system designed to support powerful, easy-to-use smartphone apps serving Africa and its diaspora situated across the globe

The Ayetu Network is Financial Freedom

Ayetu User Guide

A distributed ledger system designed to support smartphone apps serving Africa and its diaspora situated across the globe

The Ayetu Network is Financial Freedom

Powered by the Ayetu Network

Imagine an Africa running on a cutting-edge computer system with perfect accountability, security and performance. A system that exceeds that of any other continent. Now join us in making that a reality.

Ayetu Network Multi-Layered Architecture

Ayetu Network is Building Africa’s Digital Future

In today's 21st century, our world thrives on networks that demand speed, security, and accessibility. Until now, Africa has lacked a value network specifically designed to connect its people, organizations, and countries with the instant and seamless connections needed to operate at the speed of modern business.

Imagine having control over your finances, identity-based services, travel arrangements, medical records, proof of employment and more, securely, at your fingertips, 24/7.

Discover the profound convenience and efficiency that can transform the daily lives of people across Africa.

With Ayetu Network, we are providing Africa with the tools to secure its digital future. By providing secure and accessible solutions, we help communities thrive, businesses succeed and countries prosper.

Join us to unlock Africa's true potential, where individual control and empowerment will lead to a better future.

The Ayetu Network Super app

Ayetu Roadmap

Q1 Goal: Onboard and execute partnerships that our business development team has obtained.

  • CMC Top-50 Centralized Exchange with focus on the African continent

  • Establishment of a corporate entity in Switzerland

  • Chaindustry partnership for HUB in Nigeria

  • Onboarded a local marketing and business development team in Nigeria

Q2 Goal: Onboard and execute partnerships that our business development team has obtained.

  • CMC Top-10 Centralized Exchange IEO

  • Uniswap pool ATU-USDT

  • EU-based licensing for remittances

  • Complete executive search in Africa, expand Executive Team

  • Build out ambassadorship program

Q3 & Q4: Expand on business development growth

  • UK-based licensing for remittances

  • USA-based licensing for remittances (licensed in top 3 states for Africa remittances)

  • Central Bank partnerships with at least 1 West African nation

  • TAPAS DEX liquidity added

Business Relationships

Core Protocol Development

Q1 Goal: Build on our MVP blockchain. (All of these to be completed by the EoQ1.)

  • New batch_transfer action

  • Early member staking contract: Rewards Distributions, Unstaking, Rewards Claiming

  • StakingBuckets contract: Staking, Unstaking, Rewards Dist, Rewards Claiming

  • 6 Validator nodes total, 4 in Africa

  • Hyperion history nodes - mainnet & testnet

  • public API

  • Transition to permissioned API (balance & tx privacy)

Q2 Goal: Build on our MVP blockchain. All of these developments are expected to be completed by the end of Q2.

  • 8 Validator nodes total, 6 in Africa

  • New iso_transfer action for ISO-20022-compliant messages (abridged)

  • PII/Digital ID-ready off-chain database nodes for GDPR-compliance

Web Interface

Q1 Goal: Create a unified experience between all of our tools, web-based and mobile.

  • Powered by GoodBlock’s permissioned API

  • Block Explorer social media features

  • Website Dashboard (staking, unstaking, account information)

  • Simple sign-on (OAuth) aka Social Sign-on.

  • Ayetu-Ethereum bridge for wrapped ATU tokens.

Q2 Goal: Continue to build on our MVP web interfaces.

  • GDPR-compliant account management

  • Rudimentary customer service portal

  • Social connections (friend accounts, basic messaging)

  • Full transition to permissioned APIs

  • Document notarization/timestamping

Mobile Super App

Q1: Goal: Create an MVP to serve as the base for our SuperApp.

  • Development Partner LazyLabs, creators of the Fortis Wallet

  • Architecture and feature list

Q2: Goal: Integration with ecosystem

  • Early development customer service portal

  • EVM access component

  • Built-in simple Point-of-Sale system

  • Event Ticketing

  • Payments

  • Identity (various levels)

Q3 & Q4: Integration with ecosystem

  • Friends and followers lists

  • Basic messaging

  • Reputation score

  • Badges

  • Transaction privacy

  • 3rd party app integrations

Ayetu Token Bridge

Q1 Goal: Create an MVP bridge solely controlled by Ayetu Foundation

  • Two-way bridge that allows people to convert ERC-20 wrapped ATU token to native ATU on the Ayetu blockchain and back again, quickly, securely, and at low cost.

  • Bridge integrated into dashboard app (

Q2 Goal: Expand the functionality of the bridge

  • Engage third-party bridge for USDT and other coins

  • Onboard other CB-licensed currencies as licensing allows

  • Onboard project-specific coins

  • Bridge-as-a-Service for select tokens (pending legal review)

  • Real asset-backed currency token.

No-Code App Deployment

  • User-configurable customization

  • One-button deployment

  • Out-of-the-box no-code systems:

    • Store loyalty rewards program

    • DAO creation

    • Multi-signature wallets

    • Digital certifications

    • Asset tokenization

Q3-Q4 Goal: Make application building easy and accessible. Pre-made & audited contracts

Exchanges & Economic Growth

  • Limited Private Purchases: To provide for the needed funds needed to prepare for a top CEX token launch, we will be raising limited funds from private investors already in our circle.

  • Top CEX IEO: We are prepared to launch Ayetu as an ERC-20 token on a major exchange to bring value into the system. (There will be no “Fair Sale” prior to this.)

  • Uniswap ATU-USDT LP: This ensures anyone can take part in owning Ayetu’s ATU tokens.

  • Self-Secured Ayetu-Ethereum Token Bridge: Will allow easy access to tokens moving between chains at very low cost and risk.

not started

in development


in testing/review

Ayetu Team

Ready to transform Africa with Ayetu Network?

Let's connect and make it happen together!